An overview of LCX — Liechtenstein Cryptoassets Exchange

David Des Cartes
3 min readJan 24, 2021

Although cryptocurrencies and their use might often create reservations with many lawmakers, the advantages of the use of blockchain are undeniable. The inherent decentralisation, transparency, and security of the technology opened the doors to an array of new applications in the world of decentralised finance (DEFI).

A lot of promising projects, that are trying to challenge the status quo and revolutionise the finance industry, have emerged over the couple of years in the blockchain space.

One of those very promising projects is LCX, the Liechtenstein Cryptoassets Exchange.

LCX’s goal is to become one of the world’s first licensed and supervised blockchain banks seamlessly blending traditional and crypto assets.

LCX focuses on tokenization of assets, utility and security token offerings and advanced trading tools. The company is based in Liechtenstein and operates in accordance with the new blockchain laws.

The main hurdle to enable adoption of cryptocurrencies is compliance with governments and financial regulatory bodies. The cryptocurrency space has immensely grown over the past few years to the point of reaching a 1 Trillion USD in market capitalisation. Major institutions have bought into the vision of a decentralised financial asset that could be used as an edge to potential government financial mismanagement. However, although great ideas might often have been initiated in the defi and blockchain space, the advent of regulations, although if well-implemented could be beneficial in the long run, incur the major risks of stifling innovation. Unlike most projects in the defi space, LCX has made one of its goals to get regulated and be compliant early on and, is the only defi project to have secured the approvals of 8 blockchain registrations with the registration Nr 288159. Thus, allowing LCX to offer the broadest scope of blockchain services — alongside a sophisticated crypto compliance suite.

In practice, the LCX Exchange is a regulated trading venue offering a range of digital currencies. The cryptoassets trading platform has been built from the ground up, leveraging the proficiency of their progressive crypto portfolio desk, LCX Terminal, LCX DeFi Terminal and our sophisticated crypto compliance suite.

The financial industry is very complex and competive. Therefore, to be able to implement their vision in the most effective manner the LCX project team has surrounded itself with world class advisors and strategic partners.

LCX is a member of the World Economic Forum C4IR and has been named Blockchain Pioneer by the Blockchain Research Institute. The advisory board of LCX includes leading experts, such as Don Tapscott (Author Blockchain Revolution), Jimmy Wales (Founder Wikipedia), Frank Gessner (Serial Entrepreneur) and others.

The use case for such a project is undeniable. The LCX project has gained relevance and support in the crypto space over the past few months with an online marketing strategy that has brought to the forefront of investors their financial compliance certifications and the long-term vision of the project. There is certainly a long way to go before full adoption of cryptocurrencies but it is with project such as LCX that the space will continue to march on and gain relevance.

I am certainly very excited by what 2021 will bring to LCX and look forward to seeing them execute on their vision over the short to medium term.

For further information on the project and to register to the platform, go to

Should you wish to invest in the project, the token can be purchased on many exchanges. However Uniswap ( is the easier exchange where to acquire the token as it is the exchange that has the most liquity for the LCX token.

